Salma Hayek sexy dance

Salma Hayek vampire (click blog post)

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Equilibrium Movie Review

A Christian Bale movie that has graced many a bargain bin DVD rack, Equilibrium was an attempt by Miramax to capitalize on the success of The Matrix with their own dystopian future science fiction action movie. However, due to it's amazing run in Europe, they decided to do the American release as cheaply as possible to ensure they won't lose that

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Sabotage Movie Review

For a while, Schwarzenegger wasn't doing much but cameos in movies. That's because of his time as the Gahvanahovcalifornja, but since his time in that job has ended naturally he returned to movies. Seems there wasn't a great backlog of projects built (blog post) around him though, as in 2014 we get him (blog post) as our lead man in (blog post) S

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Night Train to Terror Movie Review

A relatively recent 1985 public domain film, Night Train to Terror combines multiple stories along a narrative that follows a band singing a terrible song while literrally on the fast track to death. Does this vinette pull of something special, or should it movie reviews have never pulled away from the station?Source: (blog post) Night Train to T

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